Thursday 7 November 2013

Where did it all go wrong ?

Interesting how we all get bombarded with News every day concerning the health of the Nation and the woes of whatever part of the community you care to mention. The advents of the changes over the years that have taken place without doubt have their consequences.
Education for example in the 60’s and 70’s complimented the domestic environment of activity. School time was spent part learning about academic matters and the rest practical life skills like, woodworking, metalwork, sewing, cooking, competitive sports, physical activities and the arts. As the education system changed, sports grounds and playing fields were sold off ‘life skills’ took a back seat to academia and the camaraderie changed also.
Three generations now of people not knowing how to use a screwdriver and more importantly cook or with the abilities to take care of themselves properly. The advent of the Instant Age and the ‘Quick Fix’

Is it any wonder we have people who are overweight or unhealthy when lack of life skills knowledge and a belief that if you get sick there is a pill for it and it will make you better?

The winner in the race of course the readymade food manufacturers and pharmaceuticals who promise that they will feed us well and make us better.

The price we pay and the profits they make defy understanding do they really have an interest in making us better?

The question is of course - is any of it good for us as we constantly learn of the consequences of our lifestyles whether the side effects of drugs and foodstuffs pumped with preservatives and chemicals making foods look and taste palatable. 

Is science really discovering more of what we didn’t know or are we creating complications from our increased expectancy being satisfied by commerce that constantly make more and more profits in the process.

For those who have the courage to slip off of the treadmill there is a wonder of adventure and satisfaction to be achieved without working arduous hours just to keep up.

Our young people are not stupid but need to be recognised for their unique ability to contribute to the community in whatever chosen field they may aspire to. To be given the appropriate support to achieve this. 

We should not be guided by Young Academic Gurus who have little life experience that encompasses commerce and craft skills. The seats of Westminster prove to be little more than a pantomime compared to those who really are making a difference by rolling up their sleeves and getting on with life.

For how much longer will the BIG Daddies of Westminster rule before complacency is averted in favour of the people really speaking out?

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